9 1/2 week ultrasound
The ultrasound went well today. The baby is measuring within the normal range, there was a good heartbeat, and the baby was very active for some of the time. Joel said when he saw the baby move around he fell in love. My husband is so cute.
If you aren't used to reading ultrasounds I'll tell you what you are looking at. The baby is inside of the black bean shaped sack, and the small white dot inside is the yolk sack. The bigger, rounder portion of the baby is the head and little buds coming off of the body are the arms and legs. Because of the oversized head and the short round limbs this has been called the "teddy bear stage" by some.
It is so encouraging to be doing so well at this stage since we have never made it this far in a pregnancy before. I am very hopeful and I get excited now when I go by a baby section in a store and see all of the tiny clothes.
For those of you who have been praying for us thank you, and your continued prayer touches us. A specific request I have now is that the Dr. is taking me off of the progesterone starting Saturday and this is scary to me since everything has been going so well with it and I don't want that to change. Again I will just have to trust God and give it to Him in prayer, but it's nice to know that others will be bringing it before God too.
Sigh, I'm happy.
Dog kisses as answered prayer
I went to the vet today for Lucy, our ever itchy allergic infection dog. Anyone who says mutts have less health problems than purebreds has not met Lucy. I was standing there navigating the world of what meds does the dog really need and what is the vet just trying to get more for when a couple came in with their cat that they were putting down. This made me sad. But as I was sitting waiting for Lucy to be brought out after her shot the man came out of the back room where they had taken the cat and sat down and cried. My heart just ached for him, and it was very difficult to keep my pregnant self from crying along with him. I started to pray for the man to be comforted and asked God if I should say I was sorry for his loss or something when Lucy was brought out. The man looked up at her and laughed and said something about how cute she was and Lucy went directly for him and started kissing his face. I was beet red by the time I got her under control, but he just laughed and patted her on the head. As we left I felt that God had already comforted this man with dog kisses and anything I said wouldn't be as affective, so I just smiled and commented that I hoped she wasn't a bother and took my kissing dog home. Sometimes answers to prayer come in strange packages!