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Location: Aloha, Oregon, United States

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!

My parents just celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary. While compared to a lot of marriages in the United States just lasting 32 years is amazing. But the real feat is that not only have they committed themselves for so many years they are still very much in love. I remember being about 5 years old and Melanie coming up to me very upset saying "Mom and Dad love each other more than they love us". Looking back there was something very comforting in that fact that Melanie discovered that day. I always knew that my home was secure. I would have a mom and a dad who would always be there together, taking care of me. My parents later told me when I was a teen and laughingly recalled Melanie's story to them that one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is parents that love each other. Later as I became an adult and all my sisters and I were getting married I remember my mother telling me that to have a marriage be successful is hard work, but well worth it. My parents have inspired me to always work on myself and my marriage, and it has always been a blessing to see the fruit that God brings about because of it. So thank you Mom and Dad for being such a good example and a blessing to me, my sisters, and all your sons-in-law by having a marriage that so wonderfully reflects God's design.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so great to be married to your best friend. I'm very blessed. Your mother is the perfect wife, so it makes up for all my faults.
I can tell that you and Joel are on track for many years of close companionship-you will be an inspiration to your kids when the time comes.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Cristina said...

Natalie, I really appreciate what you had to say in this entry. Great topic... and congratulations Uncle Chris and Aunt Diane! Like you said, Natalie, working on your marriage is hardwork... but SO rewarding!

1:24 PM  

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